A Letter to Beautiful People [Page 1]
Martes, Mayo 27, 2008
WARNING: Please do not read this if you are not beautiful!
GOD was alarmed of calamities happening in the world. It caused severe injuries to mankind and he is worried on our mental and physical health.
He called St. Peter. He asked him to go down and check how we are doing.
St. Peter followed. When he is on earth he saw lots of beautiful people. He conducted a survey and got the results immediately. After that, he returned to heaven and approach GOD.
St. Peter: LORD, I am glad to report that majority of mankind is doing fine. In fact, the calamities they'd suffer is not shown on their face. 97% of them are very gorgeous, they are so beautiful in physically and spiritually.
GOD: That's indeed a good news! Thank you St. Peter. Do you have the names of these people.
St. P: Yes, I do, and I also have their addresses!
GOD: Very good! Well then, I will write a letter for each of them--the 97%.
All the letters were sent. Everyone did received their own copy.
*do you want to know what's inside the letter? Click here!

posted by Tajo @ 6:57 PM,
- At 30 Mayo, 2008 14:31, Francesca said...
haha, nice one! :) i knew that was coming. XD